Owners and initiators to SQC are the Swedish nuclear industry. The main purpose of our business is to satisfy our owners and other customers needs in the area of non-destructive testing. We also work internationally.

Our company are active in three main areas:

  • Qualification consists of an effective and impartial review, supervision and assessment of the credibility of an inspection system for the nuclear industry
  • Development within the qualification and inspection area in order to increase the competence within the trade or to develop the inspection process it self
  • Consultant services offering support and advice about choice of strategies, project management, performance and evaluation of qualifications or inspections

SQC is authorized by the Swedish radiation safety authority (SSM) to act as a qualification board. SSM conducts continuous supervision of the business and monitors that we work in accordance with the demands in SSM Författningssamling (SSM FS).

We are located in Täby just north of Stockholm where we have our head office and laboratory facilities. In addition we have a local office located in Stenungsund.