SQC:s main business is qualification of non-destructive testing for the Swedish nuclear power facilities, where the role of SQC is to assess the reliability of the inspection systems used to inspect Swedish reactor components. These inspection systems are used to detect defects that can affect the integrity of these components.
Qualification means that a inspection systems ability to detect defects in one or more specific objects such as pipes, pressure vessels or similar is demonstrated.
A qualification starts with an object description where material and geometry of the particular object is described. Then the inspection technique is technically justified and the accredited inspection company chosen by the power plant owner develops a procedure. When the technical justification and procedure has been reviewed by SQC a practical demonstration is held on realistic objects – so called test specimens. If the inspection company’s procedure, equipment and personnel fulfil the qualification a certificate is issued and the inspection company can inspect the power plant of interest. A qualification normally ½-1 year to complete.